February 14, 2022

Illustration by HANNA BARCZYK

“Al Adal”

Re-Infibulation and the Obsession with Virginity in Sudan


The obsession with the concept of female virginity has reached alarming proportions in Sudan. In response to unjust social and political pressures, women have attempted all possible means to perpetuate the illusion …

Women and Islam in Contemporary Indonesia


In this article, Dr. Dina Afrianty analyses how both global and local Islamic voices are being increasingly channelled into democratic politics. In a context where Indonesian women are underrepresented in politics, she highlights the need to lead the battle

Migration, Modernity and Islam in Rural Sudan


For the villagers of Wad Al Abbas in northern Sudan, transnational migration has generated new understandings of what it means to be a Muslim. From the mid-1970s through the 1980s, Wad Al Abbas’s incorporation into the global economy was mediated …

Muslim like my Grandmother


I grew up in a big house right by the edge of the Blue Nile in Wad Madani city. At the time, Wad Madani was almost the largest urban centre in Sudan, surrounded by the villages of the Gezira agricultural …